Try out these four EASY back-to-school activities in your ELA classroom. They are sure to get your students talking and having fun!
It’s official! The school year has started and you are probably ready to jump into some curriculum! But as you know, kids may not be ready to “jump back in” as quickly as you want. It is always best to have a couple of back-to-school activities ready to go!
As you know by now, I LOVE digital escape rooms! I think they add so much flavor to the classroom and students tend to love the challenge behind each one…even if they are about poetry, literature, or grammar!
Check out these two digital escape rooms below as well as a couple of other back-to-school activity ideas!
Sign Up for a FREE plot structure digital escape room!
Back to School DIGITAL ESCAPE ROOM – Figurative Language
Try out this Common Core-aligned DIGITAL Escape Room! It will give you a solid idea of what your students know in figurative language and will have them starting the year in a fun and competitive way.
This digital escape room requires the students to complete five tasks:
- Task 1: Figurative Language Sort
- Task 2: Figurative Language School Supplies
- Task 3: Riddle Me This – Decoding Activity
- Task 4: School buses on the GO Figurative Language
- Task 5: Piece It Together – Puzzle Activity
ELA Back To School DIGITAL Escape Room
The students will be actively engaged in some friendly competition with this Digital Escape Room while showing you what they already know about reading comprehension.
This digital escape room requires five tasks:
- Task 1: Nemo’s First Day – Chronological Order
- Task 2: Where Do I Sit? – Reading Comprehension
- Task 3: Riddle Me This – Decoding Activity
- Task 4: Football Friends – Plot Structure
- Task 5: Piecing It Together – Puzzle Activity
“I Wish My Teacher Knew” Activity
This activity is fairly simple but provides a lot of value. Often, we teachers get so busy starting the school year, we fail to ask the students what THEY want out of the school year…what THEY want out of us as teachers.
So, to start, try out this activity. You simply hand out a couple of sticky notes to each student and allow them to write down a couple of personal facts that they wish their teacher (aka YOU) knew about them. Sometimes, students open up right away and tell you some very interesting information. Other times, they may allude to something that you will have to learn more about as you progress through the school year.
Add another question or two if you feel so inclined. You could ask them one of their specific goals for the year or what they specifically need from you as the teacher. One year, I asked the students what their weakness is with regard to school and how I can help them with these weaknesses. It was very eye-opening for me as a teacher.
No matter which questions you choose, this activity helps your students feel cared for and helps you start building a relationship with each one of them.
Mnemonic Name Activity
This one is fun and inspires lots of creativity. Students essentially create their own mnemonic devices for their names. I encourage them to use high-level words that share the same letter or sound as their first name. These crazy names usually help me learn my students’ names rather quickly! So, it is a win-win!
Try it out!
You can even use specific vocabulary from the school year if you so desire! This will require a bit more work up front, but could be worth it when the students learn more vocabulary words this year!
When you are eventually ready to jump right into that curriculum of yours…
Be sure to use the standards to align your curriculum. If you want help doing this, check out one of the following blog posts below!
Using Standards to Drive Your Curriculum
A Standard-Aligned Curriculum that Promotes Mastery
Happy teaching!