It is back-to-school season, and, unfortunately, we are still in a season of unknown. We are still having to plan for social distancing in the classrooms and school, so the normal Back to School activities may not work; however, these Back to School ELA DIGITAL Escape Rooms may be just what you need. Digital Escape Rooms are such an engaging way to have students participate in a content-related activity to start the year.
Sign Up for a FREE plot structure digital escape room!
Digital Escape Rooms for Back to School
- Easy for Social Distancing – These escape rooms can be done at the desk, far apart, and independently (or spaced out groups) if face-to-face. They can also be used for virtual school if that is how your year is starting.
- Content Focused – Standard-aligned and curriculum-driven
- Students have FUN – it’s a bit of a friendly competition that the students will be highly engaged. The students will want to “escape” and will have their full attention on the tasks they’re given. They will forget they are even working.
- Easy Prep – Load to Google Classroom (or share the link) and GO! It requires minimal prep outside of printing the sheet for students to write their codes on – and this is completely optional
- Formative Data to Start the Year – The escape room can give you an idea of where students are in the standards aligned to it. You will be able to tell which “rooms” the students are struggling in and make note of it for future use
Setting Up and Using the Escape Room:
- Once you have a copy of your Digital Escape Room, you will get your copy link from the top right of the form. You will see a purple “Send” button. Click this button and get the share link.
- Take the share link and add it to Google Classroom for students to access. Using this link, the students will be able to access your Escape Room to complete the tasks.
- As students click on the link, they will go to your Escape Room where the activities are embedded with links. When students click on the links, they will be prompted to make their own copy of the activities.
- If students are asked to request access, then there is a setting your school system has set blocking them from accessing the files – email me for workarounds if this happens
- Once students make a copy of the activity, they will complete the activity and get the hidden code. Students will then go back to the form and insert the code. If the code is correct, then they have the right answers and will be able to move on to the next “room”. If the code is incorrect, then they did not have the correct answers and will not be able to move on until they go back to the activity and get the correct code.
- Once students have completed each of the activities and “escaped”, they will get fireworks and a congratulatory message. There is an option for students to hit submit, and they will need to do this for the teacher to see that they’ve completed the Escape Room.
Digital Escape Rooms are such a fun way to start the school year, especially when we are still in a world of socially distancing. Students can enjoy themselves while engaging in activities that are standards-driven. Be sure to check out my Back to School ELA DIGITAL Escape Rooms below!
Figurative Language ELA Digital Escape Room
Reading Comprehension ELA Digital Escape Room
Looking for other fun Back To School Activities for ELA, check out this blog post for some extra ideas!
Happy Back-to-School Planning for the new year!