Start planning for the last couple months of school with these end-of-year activities for middle school ELA students.
We are finally there. The last couple of months of school, but before we can start dusting off our pool chairs and rubbing the fingerprints off our sunglasses, we need to make sure that we have a plan for those last couple weeks of middle school ELA.
Now, depending on what you’ve been focusing on for the last couple of months, you may be looking for a hands-on project, or maybe you already have a big group project planned, and you need something to supplement it.
No matter what you already have in mind, there is probably something on this list that will either supplement the activities you have planned or shine as the mainstage act for those last couple weeks of school.
These end-of-year activities for middle school ELA students are already created and ready for you to download over in the store, so if you see something you’re interested in, just click on the image and head on over to download the supporting resources or read the blog post that explains the activity in more detail!
#1 | End-of-Year Infographics
In this end-of-year activity for middle school ELA students, students will use their writing and designing skills to create infographics telling incoming students how to be successful in your class.
They have all the insider intel, so now it’s time for them to write their tell-all experience and give some advice to the ‘younger’ students coming in after them.
We like to provide a few specific expectations for these infographics, but we also like to give them a little creative freedom.
#2 | End-of-Year Reflection
Spending a little time reflecting at the end of the year is nothing new, but sometimes you need to approach it in a way that makes it feel new.
Using the handouts and coloring pages in this End-of-Year Reflection Activity Workbook will help guide your students through their reflection, give their distracted minds a little time to settle as they color in the images, and keep them focused and engaged in those last couple weeks of school!
You can do a page a day, or you can work through the packet in one class period. It is totally up to you as to how to break up this activity.
This activity pack includes…
- Summer Bucket List
- Letters to Future Students
- Favorite Memory
- Craziest Memory
- Favorite Lesson
- My Biggest Accomplishment
- Goals for Next Year
- What I’ll Miss the Most
- 3 Coloring Sheets
So there is plenty to talk about and reflect on in there!
#3 | Growth Mindset Digital Activities
These growth mindset activities can all be used at the end of the school year, or you can pick and choose your favorites as you send your students off into a new grade.
This resource includes many opportunities for discussion and reflection, as well as examples of having a growth mindset!
#4 | Parodies Project
In these last two end-of-year activities for middle school ELA, students can engage in a little project-based learning while also exploring some novels of their choice.
In this first project, students re-write the books while adding in a little humor (as students love to do) and then adapting their parody into a film version. On the final day of the project, students will present their parodies to the class for a fun end to the school year!
#5 | Book Trailer Project
This project is very similar to the Paraody Project, but rather than creating complete retellings of the project, students are only making the trailer for the book.
Unlike the parody, which encourages students to keep the same general plotline as the book, the trailer is really about capturing the main idea and tone of the book in a short clip that engages the audience and gets them excited to read the book… without giving anything away, of course!
When considering end-of-year activities for middle school ELA students, keep in mind their attention span and interests. Spring seasons are often busy sports and activity seasons. Students are attending year-end presentations and awards nights; some of them are running track and leaving early for baseball games or golf meets. It is a busy time, and having some high-interest activities to allow them to practice ELA skills while engaging them in a rigorous activity is a great choice!
P.S. It is important to check over your standards to make sure you have covered them all before the end of the year. Check out the FREE Standard Breakdowns below to go over the ELA standards for your grade level.